I want to have my vacation officially approved, though, so I'm going to try to hold off on the notice thing until it's actually 30 days until, but making it past Monday is going to be difficult for me. I also decided 1) I'm dressing as ...
La asta se adauga ceea ce vor castiga hotelurile care ii vor caza pe cei 3.500 de jurnalisti prezenti la Bucuresti", a declarat intr-un interviu pentru NewsIn secretarul de stat in MAE Victor Micula, coordonatorul Summit-ului NATO. ...
or does Cozza and Friedman look like they just returned from a vacation in the backwoods splitting trees? Rocking the Lumberjack look. "...The mind has to rule the body and tell the body, shut up and do what I tell you to do..." Jens! by Clydesdale on Dec 22, 2008 2:18 PM EST up reply .... New team H2O jersey. I guess as a replacement for the horrible scary one with the skull. Photo from Micula de Matteis' personal site. by Monty. on Dec 22, 2008 6:25 PM EST reply actions ...